Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Reminisce...

I'm so grateful for the people I have in my life right now... my family, my true friends (lina bean & damaris), my SISTAUS (without you girls... I wouldn't be the strong woman I am today), the men in my life also known as my bros and my down ass GEE, my boyfriend aka my love, my heart and my all mean more to me than words can describe and I'm so honored to be a part of your lives! Throughout all the hard times, you all seem to help in lifting me up even when I'm feeling low and I thank you all so much. Those that have contributed in trying to bring me down, wished to see me fail, or were so quick to turn your back on me, I thank you too, because without all of you I would've never had that extra push to prove you all wrong. I am content with where I'm at in my life and I only strive to be a better person and do bigger and better things!

The semester is almost over, only about a couple more days left and I'm glad it's over! Only 3 more finals to finish. Good luck to all of you that have finals!


1 comment:

Marc said...

horray for friends!