Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm Good.

This song completely describes my perspective for the 2009 year. Nothing is going to hold me back and all I can do now is move forward. At the rate things are going, I am on a steady and consistent pace towards my goal. What's my goal you ask? Well, to be the most powerful and independent woman...EVER! haha ok so not exactly because there are a couple of people that I had to depend and rely on in order for me to get to where I am right now. Thanks to my wonderful lover and best friend a.k.a the boyfriend. I don't even want to list all the things he's had to put up with because I could probably go for days. My mother has been a great support in her own way. I'm finally at a place where I'm stable. Stability...wow... I haven't been able to comfortably state that word in quite a while.

Anyway, I only have seven more minutes until I get off work... I had a great second day! =)

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