Monday, September 29, 2008

For without struggle, there is no progress.

Seriously today is just CRAPPY. Do you ever wonder why bad days occur to people that don't deserve it? Especially to those that are already stuck in a hole? Everything hit me in a domino effect today from financial issues (when is it not an issue?) to school and everything just spiraled down after that. Even the smallest things were starting to piss me off like someone not being able to get a hold me... and then I realized how selfish I was being and stopped being mad. Everything is just SO frustrating right now and I never realized how money can drastically change your moods. Meaning if you don't have any the unhappier you are, and I mean this in a way where if you USED to have money and you lost it, unlike those that never had money then they're pretty much content with their life. Thank you to those of you who understand where I'm coming from and are fully supporting me. I appreciate the words of encouragement and all the help as well. My motivation right now: I start work on Wednesday. =)

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